Wednesday, May 15th | 6th Zilqad

Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville

11:00am - Ladies only - Aamal of Babul Hawaij (Zoom Only)

Thursday, May 16th | 7th Zilqad

Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville

8:00pm: Shab e Jumah Program Prog: Salat, Surah Yaseen, Dua Kumayl, Majlis (Dr Dungersi), Ziyarat-Waritha

Friday, May 17th | 8th Zilqad

Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville

12:30pm - Salat ul Jumah (Sheikh Bilal Hussain) Starting with Dua Nudba

Saturday, May 18th | 9th Zilqad

Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville

4:00pm: Annual general meeting (Followed by the election for the term 2024-2026)

Sunday, May 19th | 10th Zilqad

11:15am: Senior Program - Majlis at Kabrastan (Washington memorial Cemetary) Majlis by Sheikh Bilal Hussain Ladies & Gents (Open to everyone)