Tuesday, January 28th | 28th Rajab Night – No Program
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, HickavilleNo Program
Wednesday, January 29th | 29th Rajab Night -Ladies Only – Aamal of Babul Hawaij (in-person & Zoom)
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville8:00pm–9:00pm: Ladies Only – Quran Tafseer Session (Zoom Only)
Wednesday, January 29th | 29th Rajab Night – Ladies Only – Quran Tafseer Session (Zoom Only)
8:00pm–9:00pm: Ladies Only – Quran Tafseer Session (Zoom Only)
Thursday, January 30th | 1st Shaaban Night
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville8:00pm: Shab e Jumah Program Prog: Surah Yaseen, Dua Kumayl, Majlis (Dr. Dungersi), Ziyarat-Waritha
Moon Sighting Report – THE MONTH OF SHA’BAN 1446 AH
Al-Mahdi Islamic Center wishes to inform the community that that wishes to inform the community that there were verified sightings of the crescent moon on the evening of Thursday, January 30, 2025, in different regions in North America. Therefore, the first day of Sha’baan will be on Friday, January 31, 2025, for the entire region of North America. We ask ...
Friday, January 31st | 2nd Shaaban Night
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville11:30am: Salat ul Jumah (Dr. Dungersi) Starting with Dua Nudba
Ramadhan Circualar -1446/2025
Ramdhan 1446 Circular ( Click on Image for larger Version)
Saturday, February 1st | 3rd Shaaban Night
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville5:25pm: Wiladat of Imam Hussein (AS) Prog: Salat, Surah Yaseen, Hadith-e-Kisa, Munajat, Majlis (Maulana Syed Mohammad Ali Najafi), Qasida, Ziyarat, Nyaz
Sunday, February 2nd | 4th Shaaban Night – Wiladat of Imam Zayn al-Abideen (AS) & Hazrat Abbas (AS)
5:25pm: Wiladat of Imam Zayn al-Abideen (AS) & Hazrat Abbas (AS) Prog: Salat, Surah Yaseen, Hadith-e-Kisa, Munajat, Majlis (Maulana Syed Mohammad Ali Najafi), Qasida, Ziyarat, Nyaz
1st Night of Mahe Ramadhan – Program for Middle Schoolers (Syed Naqvi) / Ladies & Men’s Health Panel
Al Mahdi Islamic Center 83 Ludy Street, Hickaville