Jaffery Sports Club


Jaffery Sports Club (JSC), our community’s soccer team, came into being in mid 1980’s when a group of youths from our community decided to play pick up soccer games on Sunday mornings. Members of our community who formed the team included Sajjad Jaffer, Mohammed Hussein Dhalla, Ahmed Alloo, Afzal Sherally, Johnnie Nurmohammed, Murtaza Juma and Mustafa Shivji, amongst others. The practices were held outside Sajjad Jaffer’s residence in Queens, NY. Faced with increasing number of youths, the small size of the field became an issue and the team soon moved its practices to Searingtown, Long Island. This was the early 1990’s, and with growing number of families moving to NassauCounty from Queens, the move could not have come at a better time. From Searingtown, the team moved to better playing facilities at CantiaguePark and then finally to the Dutch Broadway Sports Complex in Elmont, Long Island where its convenient location has been a tremendous bonus to team members. The team is a registered member of the Department of Parks and Recreation in NassauCounty and has made its home in Elmont for close to 10 years now. The team has participated in many tournaments over the years here within the US, posting a record number of victories, in addition to leading contingents to 3 Supreme Council Tournaments, with the biggest victory being achieved with winning the Supreme Council championship in Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania in December 2006. And one of THE main accomplishments has been the establishment of the Jaffery Juniors program, to promote the love of soccer from a young age. This program has been a tremendous success with many thanks to the coaching staff and the ladies committee that run the program.

Programs Offered:

Jaffery Sports Club (JSC)

Soccer (Age Group 17+)


Jaffery Juniors

Soccer (Ages 5-7)

Soccer (Ages 8-11)

Soccer (Ages 12-17)





Contact Information:


Team Captain: Murtaza Rattani

Treasurer / Team Manager: Ahmed Alloo, Kaunain Esmail

Committee Members: Mohammed Shaikh, Hasnain Aziz,

Jaffery Juniors:

Coach: Munawar Kermalli

Coach: Hasnain Aziz
E-mail: [email protected]

Team Picture: